Combining digital and analog channels in content marketing

As content marketing matures and develops there will be more focus on the buyer’s journey. We can use it to package our content in different ways for various stages of the journey. In order to have an impact early on in the journey we will need to use a combination of digital and physical channels. Read more

5 key rules for great content

Recently there was this great thread in the Content Marketing Institute’s LinkedIn group, asking about golden rules for creating content. I came up with five points, that I’d like to share with you. There are certainly more, check the thread for some very good ideas, but these are the ones that struck me as key. Read more

Enough with the “Content is king” crap!

How many headlines like “Content is king”, “Context is king” or “If Content is king, something else is queen” have you seen in recent months? Quite a few, right? Personally, I’m getting rather tired of seeing them. And for a very simple reason – headlines like that tries to offer a quick and easy solution to something that’s actually quite complex. This is also known as looking for a silver bullet, and if you’re doing that please stop at once. Read more

Connecting Content marketing and PR

Content marketing has been getting a lot of attention in recent years, with companies and organizations putting more and more effort into reaching their target groups with relevant and valuable content. It’s an interesting development, but it’s easy to forget the power of traditional earned media, i.e PR. The solution is to have owned and earned media work together, and to include paid media as well when possible. Read more

Afraid of creating a content marketing strategy? Here are 3 steps to fix that

According to a 2014 report by Content Marketing Institute and the UK Direct Marketing Association on Content Marketing in the UK, lack of a documented content marketing strategy is one of the biggest threats to successful content marketing. We can all agree that a strategy is vital, but an interesting question is, why do so many companies not have one? Read more