11 myths about content marketing

Content marketing could be the best way to reach your target audience and become a trusted advisor. But there are a lot of myths and incorrect ideas surrounding content marketing. Here are 11 myths that you should ignore, and some simple truths to replace them with. Read more

Combining digital and analog channels in content marketing

As content marketing matures and develops there will be more focus on the buyer’s journey. We can use it to package our content in different ways for various stages of the journey. In order to have an impact early on in the journey we will need to use a combination of digital and physical channels. Read more

No, H2H can’t replace B2B or B2C – here’s why

You’ve probably seen it in your feed on LinkedIn, the image from a lecture somewhere saying “There is no more B2B or B2C. It’s H2H: Human to Human”. Maybe you’ve even shared it. I applaud the sentiment, but let’s be clear: it is flawed logic, and for a very simple reason: B2B and B2C tells us what we’re doing, H2H how we’re doing it. Read more

Don’t be the Homer Simpson of content marketing

In a classic Simpson episode Homer gets an opportunity to design a car (called the Homer of course). His brother hires him to create a car that will appeal to the “average” American, thinking that Homer must be in tune with that broad demographic. It ends in disaster, of course. Homer adds everything he can think about to the design – like two bubble domes, three horns (“you can never find the horn when you’re mad”) that plays “La Cucaracha”, gigantic cupholders and tailfins. In addition, the engine sound is supposed to make people feel “that the world is coming to an end”. Read more

It’s the target audience, stupid!

Back in 1992, when Bill Clinton was running against Bush the Elder in the US Presidential elections, his campaign strategist James Carville coined a phrase – “It’s the economy, stupid” – to help the Clinton team focus on their message. Carville had spotted that President, George H.W. Bush, had lost touch with the voters. He didn’t understand that their biggest concern was the economy. Clinton’s team got this, shaped their messaging accordingly and won the election. Read more