Do you have a vertical video strategy? Are you planning on getting one? Let me tell you why you don’t need one. Read more

Do you have a vertical video strategy? Are you planning on getting one? Let me tell you why you don’t need one. Read more
Far too many strategies fail. Here are some of the reasons why, and also what you can do to make sure you do a better job next time you do strategy work Read more
Meaningless buzzwords should be cut from your CV, but what about the words that actually reflects the work you do? Don’t be so quick to cut words just because they are treated as cliches. Read more
Most content being produced is a waste of time and money. The reason is that it suffers from the number one reason content marketing fails – it has an inside-out perspective. It’s the content marketing equivalent of a selfie. Read more
Most companies will have to transform digitally. In order to be successful, it is crucial to have buy-in from senior management – from the C-suite and the Board. Yet a recent study showed that knowledge about digital is lacking among these groups. What can we do to change that? Read more
Relying on anecdotes about what successful people have done, or banking on the brilliance of your employees is setting yourself up for disaster. You need to have a plan. Read more
Digital transformation is a hot topic these days, and you can easily find a lot of reports and research talking about why companies have to do it. But what is it, exactly, and what can you do to get started? Here is a definition and five suggestions on your first steps. Read more
Social media is an important part of many peoples’ lives these days, and will likely be for the foreseeable future. Many companies have been quick to see the potential for social media in everything from marketing to recruitment. Quite a few have also discovered the potential of getting their employees involved, as ambassadors, thought leaders and so on. But they have not been as quick when it comes to helping their employees deal with social media in a way that benefits both them and the organization. Read more
If your company is active on social media, chances are that not a lot of planning went into the decision. Most companies find themselves with a presence in social media for reasons like “Our competitors are there” or “Someone in marketing thought it was a great idea”. In addition, there is an idea floating around that social media should be approached without a strategy, that we should just dive in. I disagree, the key to having a successful presence in sociala media for a long time is to have a plan and then stick to it. Read more